Grixx Medical
Disposable gloves and Disposable Surgical Masks!
Grixx medical is located in the center of the Netherlands and offers high quality medical disposables such as disposable surgical masks and gloves. Our products are manufactured at carefully selected production facilities and comply to all relevant standards and regulatory requirements.
For contact professionals and travelers
Many countries have measures in place to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, involving physical distancing and hygiene.
For so called contact professions, physical distance is almost impossible and the use of extra protective measures is necessary. This also applies for commuters
who must travel by public transport where – in many cases – face mask are required.

High quality products
Our products are manufactured at carefully selected production facilities and comply to all relevant standards and regulatory requirements.

Reliable partner
Our customers value us as a reliable partner that puts the customer first. An experienced team is responsible for shipments in Europe and beyond.

Our customers must be able to rely on our products. Hence all relevant certificates and additional (technical) documents are available for reference.
Disposable Gloves
It cannot be said often enough: Hand hygiene is the most important thing when it comes to preventing germ contamination. Wearing disposable gloves can protect employees and clients against micro organisms such as viruses.
High quality
Comfortable fit and high level of durability and dexterity.
Nitrile Gloves
Nitrile is made of synthetic rubber. There is no risk of latex allergies.
Powder free
Powder free eliminates the risk of contamination and allergic reactions.
Disposable Surgical Masks
Disposable surgical masks help prevent large particles expelled by the wearer from reaching the patient, client or (work) environment. The exhaled particles collide with the mask while air itself escapes from the sides of the mask.
Grixx Medical offers high quality 3-layer disposable surgical masks that can be used by contact professions and in situations that require wearing a face mask. The masks are made of soft lightweight material and do not hinder breathing.
We are committed to testing our surgical masks on the efficiency of bacterial filtration, breathability and microbiological purity.